“Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars and see yourself running with them.” “Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you ...John Barrymore
I was reminded that there are still good people in the world after my visit to White River Waterfall. Howard and Christina are living proof of this statement. I got to meet Derise and Damian because of D’ouring876. She is waterfalls goals.
She's sharing the beauty of Mill Bank with the world which in return will provide income for the community. You can’t tell me she's not amazing. I was told there are seven waterfalls on the White River and Derise aim is to find them. Damian, another great person is with her every step of the way, finding nature's gift.
I decided to return to Portland with D’touring876 to find more waterfalls with the help of Derise and Damian. Derise and I have been speaking a couple of days before meeting for the second time officially.
D’touring876 and I left Kingston to embark on a new adventure. To add to my list of new experiences while travelling, Howard, Christina and I had the road almost to ourselves because it was around 10:00 pm. I saw cows going about their merry way into the bushes. I smiled while the cool breeze lingers on my face.
Resting which was well needed
We crossed the Alligator Church Bridge into communities such as Breastwork, Fellowship, Winsdor, Seamans Valley, Kent, Ginger House and my final stop for the night Comfort Castle.
I met Derise and Damian around 11.00 pm that night and they are just as great on Instagram as in real life. She's a beautiful soul. Howard, Damian Christina and I ate bun and cheese around a table while we talked about our waterfalls experiences.
I thought to myself, this is how people should behave towards each other. We all knew each other for a couple of days and it felt like family.
Touring876 and Derise want to share the beauty of Mill Bank and Comfort Castle with the rest of Jamaica and the world. This will promote visitors to the communities local and abroad which in turn provides income for members of the communities so they can provide for their families.
People who hide these beautiful places stalk other Instagrammers pages for new places to visit and hide the places they visit. The irony. With that said, A Big Thank You to Derise and D’touring876 for showing the beauty of Mill Bank and Comfort Castle.
Meeting these people is a story I will tell for the rest of my life titling: How I met the most amazing souls from the communities of Mill Bank and Comfort Castle.
My bag was packed with essential oils that I use as a repellant, rubbing alcohol, swimwear, medication and battery back.
The next morning, Derise prepared breakfast and lunch to Bernard Spring Waterfall. We left the house after 8:00 pm. We drove through the community of Mill Bank which is the last community in the Rio Grande Valley. I was surrounded by so much greenery, the air was cool and the people were extremely nice.
Damian and Derise are jovial, caring, kind, amazing, spectacular, beautiful souls and the list goes on.
My positive energy and my willingness to document these waterfalls so Jamaicans and the rest of the world can experience the beauty of our little paradise allowed me to meet Howard, Derise, Damian and Christina.
We had a great time hiking through the peaceful hills. I was having a romantic walk with nature for a couple of minutes before the hike got rough.
There is an abundance of while hogs and crayfish in the area. I saw traps for wild hogs and farmers with their dogs preparing to hunt wild hogs. Please don't enter these communities without a tour guide.
The hills were steep and I had to climb a lot of steps. If I lived in any of these communities in the area, the hills would be my gym. After climbing those steps, we were just a few minutes from Bernard Spring Waterfall.
I took a few pictures on the way to the waterfall but the mosquitoes came out in their numbers and hiked with us to Bernard Spring Waterfall.
My first sight on Bernard Spring Waterfall had me speechless. It thought I was teleported to another country. The waterfall was majestic. I loved it so much but we didn't stay long.
Our aim was to visit four waterfalls in a couple of hours so I just captured the waterfall on my Note 8 and off to Best River also call Frazer Hill, Dry River and Lastly, Seston Spring Waterfalls near the Blue and Yellow Swinging Bridge.
Continue scrolling for more pictures of Brenard Spring Waterfalls. Have Fun!
Would you Visit Bernard Spring Waterfall? Let me know in the comments below!
Whatta Gwaan!
You've discovered my blog. I'm delighted you're here. Maybe it's destiny. I'm Doreen Lillian Scarlett welcome to Nature's Sweet Escapes where I go on the far side of Instagram to document and share my adventures.